Monday, December 18, 2006

You asked, so here it is!

Alright Tifani, against my better judgement and sense of self respect, I'm posting a belly picture, just for you. Not a very flattering one, but it was while I was thinking about it, so I got Cody to snap a shot. This is me at 29 weeks - and don't I look happy to be having my picture taken! I'm finally in the third trimester, and things are going pretty well. I failed my first glucose screening test, so I had to go back for the three hour test today. Boy, was that fun. I guess I'll hear the results in a few days and hopefully there' s nothing to worry about. I'll let you know when I hear something. I'm feeling more movement all the time, although so far it still hasn't been anything crazy. Maybe the baby is just laid back (translation lazy) like it's mother. We go back to the doctor on the 27th of this month, and then I guess it's every two weeks from here. We're getting closer all the time!

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