Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Latest News

Here's the latest photo of the house. Not much has change on the exterior, with the exception of the finished soffits, and the porch posts have been wrapped. Now we need to repaint the exterior trim and paint the doors red. I've got some pictures of the inside with the finished painting, I just haven't downloaded them onto the computer yet so I can post them. We've ordered our new living room furniture - we got a great discount by placing the order the day after Thanksgiving. Mom and Dad are giving us a pair of recliners as our Christmas gift and we are buying a new sleeper sofa that will also be our 'guest bed'. I can't wait to have new living room furniture that actually matches! We've been blessed to have what we do now, but it's falling apart and just isn't fit for a new house. We'll be getting cabinets installed next weekend - I can't wait to see how they'll look! I also have a picture of the tile, but I want to get a better picture after we've cleaned off the grout residue, so more to come on that.

As for the latest baby news, we had our last appointment on Nov. 29th and everything is going along smoothly. I'm now in the third trimester, and we'll start going to the doctor more often from now on. I just signed us up for childbirth classes and we start tomorrow. I was glad I called because the next class doesn't begin until the end of January and wouldn't be over until we're within about two weeks of the due date, which they don't recommend, so if I had not called today, we would be rolling the dice that we would finish in time! I also signed up for a newborn care class and a breastfeeding class - I figure the more information I can get, the better - then we can pick and choose from it what will work for us. So, needless to say, the month of January will be pretty booked up between packing, moving, baby classes, and hopefully unpacking! Let me now apologize in advance for any acts of insanity or general moodiness on my part that you may encounter. But, I figure if we can cram as much into January as possible, that will give us all of February to take it easy and prepare for our little one to arrive!

1 comment:

veggiegator said...

Aw, your house is so cute! I hardly get around to checking out your blog but I just did. You are good at updating it!