Tuesday, March 25, 2008

River Time!

Here are a few pics from our first family boat ride of the year. Many thanks to Thomas for letting us continue to borrow his extra boat! The weather was not the greatest, but Emma had a great time, and so did Sunny. Can't wait to go again!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Why kids and cats can't share toys.......

Birthday Girl

A few weels ago Emma turned one. I can't believe she's already almost 13 months now! She's changing more and more every day. She took a step the other night from me to Cody and will stand up on her own every now and then when she doesn't realize it. I think in the next month she's just going to take off and there will be no stopping her! We're having a great time, and dying to get out on the river with her. I think she'll enjoy it even more this year. Here are a few of my favorite pics from her birthday.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Our little ham was being silly this weekend and I thought this was a good showing of her teeth, (or lack thereof). Right now she's only got four on the bottom and you can barely see one peeking through on the top. Her gums are pretty puffy across the front and at her one year checkup her doctor said it looks like she's getting all four at once. She's been pretty agreeable, so I guess it hasn't bothered her too much. It's been a blessing that she didn't have teeth on the top and bottom so we could stick to breastfeeding (she was just weaned last week and is doing great), but I can't wait for her to have top teeth now because it will help with her eating. She still can't bite into harder things very efficiently, but is ready to try everything. She's starting to want to feed herself with a spoon (sometimes successfully, sometimes not) and is doing great with softer finger foods. I would love any tips on introducing veggies. She loves them as baby food, but is not at all interested in the real thing. She just spits them out. She does great with fruit, bread, meat cheese, crackers - everything but veggies. I've tried green beans, squash, peas, carrots - all seasoned and unseasoned - and it doesn't seem to make a difference. But she's healthy and growing like a weed, so I'm not worried. She'll figure it out sooner or later.

Emma's new apron

Emma was cooking in her kitchen yesterday and was not in the mood for any clothes. So I suggested she put on her new apron that her friend Gavin gave her for her birthday (handmade by his mom Wrenda). She was too cute to pass up on the photo op!