Thursday, September 14, 2006

Some of the Work Crew

Here's the head honcho - busy as usual. You should see how easy he makes it look to hammer those nails in the wall! Puts me to shame, that's for sure.

My hubby - such a stud! I'm sure he'll be a happy camper if he never sees another hurricane clip for as long as he lives.

Here's Mom - always looking good no matter how hard she's working! I hope baby gets those good Conder genes!

He was too busy working to get a head shot, but here's Dad working on hurricane clips - you have to have so many of those things! But it's worth it because I know they could come in handy one day.

Grandpa worked so hard he decided he needed a two week vacation at the beach! I'm sure there will be plenty of painting for him to do when he gets back.

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