Monday, August 04, 2008

Is Florida the Sunset State?

Our County Manager sent around this eye-opening article about the State of Florida published in Time Magazine in July. It paints a pretty grim picture of our future, but I must say it makes me proud to be a North Floridian and not a South Floridian. Still, it does suggest that we all need to be more responsible with our resources and pay attention to what the legislature is doing with our taxes, regardless of what part of the state we're in. One of my favorite quotes from the article is from Carl Hiassen: "You don't have to be a wacko enviro to want your kids to be able to swim in a lake or maybe see an animal that isn't in a cage or a seaquarium. And even people who don't give a rat's a-- about the panther will care when saltwater comes out of their faucets."


Celena said...

that's a great quote ... so true.

Unknown said...

hey holly! i need your email address. please email me at celena [at] rocketyarn [dot] com. We are hosting a debate watching party for the McCain campaign and I want to send you an official invite.