Thursday, August 16, 2007

I'm a Big Girl Now!

First, let me apologize for the fact that it's been two months since I last posted - I'm a lazy blogger! Between working, night meetings, having dial-up at home, and a fun little baby to play with in my spare time, I have neglected my blog. As many of you already know from the pictures I sent, Emma is now eating cereal and boy does she love it! She's waking up every once in a while during the night, but I don't know if this is due to her new food, teething, or because she's more hungry. Overall, she still sleeps through the night and is a complete joy. It is hard to believe she is almost six months old. She has been sitting up since 4 1/2 months, but has still yet to roll over. She comes so close, but just hasn't seen anywhere she wants to go bad enough to try and get there. Her biggest motivation is usually to get to one of the cats to grab a handful of fur! She has also begun to push up on her arms a bit, but still doesn't like tummy time enough to give it more than a couple of minutes of effort. She's also chewing on everything in sight, so we expect some teeth some time in the next month or two. We're having lots of fun with her. Cody and have talked about how proud we are every time someone tells us how beautiful she is, or what a good baby she is - but ultimately we're just glad she is happy and in good health.

Our most recent visitors were Gail, Cal and Granny. We were so glad they could finally meet Emma face to face, and had a wonderful visit. I'm so excited to finally get to see almost everyone else in our Charlotte family at our 'reunion' at the end of September.

It's hard to believe it's almost fall already. I was driving to work this morning and there's a little old drug store downtown near my office and they had put up a hay bail and some scarecrows out front - I couldn't believe it! We've still barely had a chance to get out on the river. Could the summer already be gone?!? I guess we're blessed to have been able to go out at all. We've taken Emma out three times - two of which it rained and the last time the boat broke down. But Cody fixed the problem with the boat so we plan to go out this Saturday, weather permitting. In case you're wondering, no, we don't have a boat. Cody's friend Thomas won a little 14' Jon boat at his company picnic and already has a boat, so he's letting us borrow it for a while. Emma seems to like being out on the river, and she loves having Sunny in the boat with us where she can pet her without Sunny running off.

Well, who knows when I'll have to time to post again, but I'll try to get some more pictures up soon. Take care everyone!


Tracy said...

Hey Holly, I wish I was there to enjoy Emma's New experiences. Now I will be checking out the blog for more updates. Give Emma KISSES and HUGS from Aunt Tracy!!!!!
Miss you guys and Love you, Tracy

veggiegator said...

Aw she is looking so cute! Love the eyes! Missed you at the conference, I can't beleive how many of the Alachua County people were there!