Tuesday, August 08, 2006

And the roofing begins....

You can see on the far left side of the house that the OSB is going up on the roof. Cody, U. Carlton and Mr. Register finished up the front and back of the left side last night, and are starting on the larger side tonight. Then we call for a nail pattern inspection before they put the roof felt on and can move forward. And if you look closely, you can see leaning up inside against the far left wall are our windows already delivered! The two larger squares you see on the front will be picture windows and the others are all single windows. We ordered the style that are colonial on top, and solid pane on the bottom. Our 'design consultant' (my aunt Elaine in Charlotte) said this would be a way to help our ranch style house look a little more 'low country' which is what I was really hoping for. I think the front porch will help too. I don't think I've mentioned this before, but the house will be 1,000 square feet and we designed it to add on to the right side in the future. All the windows you see will become doorways or hallways. We plan to have about another ten feet or so of the taller roof, and then step back down on the far right where we'll put the master suite. That is of course, if we can ever afford it. It'll be several years down the road, but it helps to plan ahead because we'll save on the cost by making it easy to do.

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