Wednesday, July 19, 2006

We're going to be parents!

Well, in case you haven't heard the news, there's a little Banner on the way! You can't really see much on this picture, but it's the little blob on the left in the middle of the black circle. You can't tell here, but we could see the fastest little heartbeat! This will be the first Banner grandchild, and the first great grandchild on both sides. We're very excited. We went to the doctor last Friday, and they set our due date as March 4 - the day after my birthday! I have a friend at work whose daughter was born five days before her, which she said is great because it would have been torture for her little girl to have to sit through all her mom's birthday celebrations waiting on her own every year - so hopefully this little one will come a few days earlier than expected! And no - we don't think we're going to find out what it is. We both love surprises. But who knows if we'll be able to stand it or not when the time comes that we could find out. We've got a long way to go still. More news to come as the little one grows!

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